SBDM Information
School Improvement, Test Analysis, and Planning
- Targets for closing achievement gaps
- School Improvement Plan (including professional development)
- School Safety Plan
- Ungraded primary program
- Test scores analysis
- Alignment with state standards (also under policy)
- Technology use (also under policy)
- Program evaluation (also under policy)
Council Operations
- Committee Policy (also under policy)
- Frequency of and agenda for meetings
Council Training
- 3 hours of training for experienced members
- 6 hours of training for new members
Budgets and Spending
- Spending on staff (number of people employed)
- Spending for textbooks/instructional resources, instructional materials, and student support
Selection of Personnel
- Consultation policy for vacancies (also under policy)
- Consultation before principal selects people to be hired
- Consultation on selection of new principal
Adopt Policies (Legally Required & Best Practice) to be Implemented by the Principal
- Alignment with State Standards
- College-Level/Advanced Courses (Sec)
- Committees
- Consultation
- Consultation on Selection Principal
- Curriculum Responsibilities
- Discipline/Classroom Manage/Safety
- Emergency/Management Plan
- Enhancing Student Achievement
- Extracurricular Programs
- Instr./Non-Instr Staff Time Assignment
- Instructional Practices
- Parental Involvement (Title I Schools)
- Program Appraisal
- School Day/Week Schedule
- School Space Use
- Student Assignment
- Technology Utilization
- Wellness
- Budget/Spending/PD
- Classroom Assessment
- Cont. Improvement Planning
- End-of-Course (High School)
- Homework
- Parent Involve (Non-Title I)
- Primary/K-3 (Elementary)
- Program Review
- Wellness (Secondary)
In carrying out the above responsibilities/tasks/duties councils should be focusing on INCREASING STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT by:
- Having first and second readings on and adopting or revising policies in their areas of responsibility and reviewing and revising (if necessary) their bylaws,
- Hearing committee reports on charges they have given committees,
- Monitoring/discussing the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan EACH month,
- Monitoring/discussing the budget EACH month,
- Reviewing/discussing student achievement data (classroom assessment and the state assessments),
- Consulting on hiring staff and a new principal (if necessary),
- Reviewing the Emergency Management Plan each year with first responders as required by law,
- Analyzing the findings from program reviews as required by law, and
- Fielding a myriad of other issues that may be brought to the council by stakeholders.
X Run school on a day-to-day basis
X Break state or federal laws
X Risk health and safety
X Risk lawsuits and break contracts
X Spend money a school doesn't have
X Create a successful school without strong support from the whole school community
X Make decisions outside their areas of responsibility (For example, evaluate or fire staff, set salaries, set bus routes, assign students to schools, decide when to build new buildings, pay utility bills, or decide anything other than what’s listed above)