Council Work Kits

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SBDM Organizer
Organized around the SBDM Proficiency Keys, councils have a user-friendly resource to support high-quality work. The SBDM Council Organizer provides ready-made tools, templates, and resources for meetings, budgets, staffing, curriculum, teamwork and so much more.  Overview  
MEMBERS FREE Included in Membership

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POLICY AND BYLAW REVIEW SERVICE: KASC will review your policies and bylaws and provide detailed written advice for revisions.  You will receive, via email, extensive feedback with legal issues identified and other ideas and suggestions, including next steps for a revision process. KASC’s SBDM Policy Kit and Bylaws Kit are included.    Overview 
MEMBERS $550 reduced price

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MEETINGS KIT: To ensure your council and committees have meetings that are effective and legal, the tolls in KASC’s Meetings Kit will help your school with meeting logistics so you can focus more of your time and attention on the most important issue for your school:  improving student achievement. Use the information, advice, and related resources to get the most from your meetings.    
MEMBERS Free Digital Access by logging in as a Member ($60 Value)

ELECTION KIT: Here’s the easy way to run all your elections: all the forms you need to call for nominations, receive nominations, announce candidates, sign in voters and handout ballots, personalized for your school. All materials are available digitally through our LMS to allow any revisions you need to make, and all documents reflect current law and best practices.  
MEMBERS FREE - Included in Membership

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