Online Training

KASC offers Online Professional Learning & Experienced Member Council Training allowing you to move at your own pace and complete courses at your convenience. Contact our training staff at (859) 238-2188 or E-mail with questions.

View our KASC Workshops Quick Reference Chart for more training options.

**If you have already ordered and are having issues accessing your course, please do NOT reorder; refer back to your confirmation email for instructions, or contact us at or call us at 859-238-2188.**


Social and Emotional Leadership and Learning
The SBDM council’s number one priority is improving student achievement, including removing the barriers that impede achievement. It is well known that emotional barriers interfere with learning, and the pandemic has taken a toll on the well-being of students, families, and professionals.

In this experienced member session, participants will gain specific examples and strategies for:

  • Addressing social and emotional needs of students, educators, and families
  • leadership and teamwork to build psychological safety
  • an environment that responds to the experiences of the pandemic
  • Providing meaningful, supportive leadership in your SBDM role
    • on the council
    • in the school community
    • in daily life

Experienced SBDM members will walk away prepared to identify barriers and lead students and the school community forward. Visit our Open Sessions page to register for this as a live Zoom session, or schedule it as an in-person school/district or virtual training by contacting

(3-hour session - Experienced Member Training) • Members - $30   Non-Members - $60

Register Here


ESSENTIAL ACTIONS FOR DETERMINED COUNCILS — This session takes the newly updated SBDM Council Proficiency Keys and enables experienced council members to effectively complete their responsibilities, which include:

  • ensuring all students learn
  • writing quality policies
  • making sure actions follow the law

The session focuses most heavily on positively impacting the students at your school and having fun doing it, plus provides easy-to-use resources for an organized, efficient council process.

(3-hour session - Experienced Member Training) • Members - $30   Non-Members - $60

Register Here


FREE MINI-SESSION BRAIN-FRIENDLY INSTRUCTION — Participants will explore how the brain learns and how we can use that understanding to better support learning. Participants of this mini-session will be able to:

  • Demonstrate how pathways are developed in the brain
  • Demonstrate and describe what happens when the hippocampus takes in too much information
  • Gain strategies for processing
  • Use movement to support brain function and learning
  • Engage students with brain-friendly instructional strategies

(90-minute mini-session) • Members & Non-Members - FREE

Register Here

PARAEDUCATORS AS PARTNERS IN INCREASING ACHIEVEMENT — Explore four factors proven to strongly impact student achievement: growth mindset, relationships, student engagement, and feedback. This self-paced, online course explores the same concepts as KASC’s Proven Ways to Increase Achievement except that the focus is on the paraeducator’s role in the classroom. Paraeducators will be involved in activities to deepen their understanding of these research-based factors and will leave with strategies specifically tailored to the roles they play in educating students.

(4-hour session - Paraeducator) • Members - $25   Non-Members - $40

Register Here

ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING — Kentucky teachers are required to use formative assessments in their classrooms. How can educators harness the power of formative assessment to transform the learning process? In this 3-hour session, participants will:
  • dig into the “why” behind formative assessment
  • experience the impact of formative assessment on the learning process
  • walk away with a process for developing quality assessments based on high expectations
  • discover options for making formative assessment doable

(3-hour session - EILA credit) • Members - $30 Non-Members - $60

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