TEST SCORE GRAPHS–KASC’s user-friendly and easy-to-follow graphs show you exactly where you need to focus! Our graphs come with “Studying Your Scores” booklets which give you the tools to guide your staff and shareholders through test score analysis and reflection. Let KASC take the prep work out of your data analysis, so that you can focus on understanding and analyzing test scores and ultimately increase student achievement.

MAP DATA ORGANIZER – Cut scores correlate to NWEA’s linking study (MAP to K-PREP). For elementary and middle schools using MAP as a diagnostic tool, KASC has created additional reports to show growth and correlate with Kentucky standards. NWEA’s detailed diagnostic reporting system is useful in determining students’ needs and grouping students. Based on feedback from schools, teachers also want to see student data over time and not just after one testing session. Principals want reports to share with grade-level teams and with the SBDM council to show student progress. In addition, KASC has also provided winter cut scores that are consistent with fall and spring scores so that performance levels can be documented for each testing session. KASC’s MAP Data Organizer supplements NWEA’s diagnostic reports. MEMBERS $25 NON-MEMBERS $50
